Sunday, July 29, 2012

More Lake Shots

 Momma found some more lake shots that were pretty cute.

 In this one I got so high you can't even see my head!

Celebrating Grandma!

We found out on Wednesday that Grandma's surgery went well and Daddy was so relieved he decided we should celebrate with lobsters! You know I was willing to help eat them. I was even excited when we picked them out at the store.  The ladies at the seafood section thought I was adorable! Momma and Daddy think they have created a monster.


 Later on Saturday we went to the pool and played with Nolan and Aunt Becky. I tried to share with Nolan and sometimes it worked, and sometimes it didn't.

 Nolan showed off his soccer skills! After every kick he covered his mouth to show how impressed he was with his abilities.

And Daddy ran through the sprinklers with us! Momma and Aunt Becky were no fun when it came to to the sprinklers.

With Nolan

Saturday morning, Nolan woke up and thought I was still at his house.  Poor Nolan. So we met for breakfast and we played at the playground!

10 Year Anniversary

Momma and Daddy had their 10 year anniversary on Friday so I went to play with Nolan and they went to eat too much. I'm sure they missed me.

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Some of the Lewis Family!

We tried to get a picture of some of the Lewis Family but I decided I wasn't photo ready and threw a fit! But we still look pretty good.

Playing in the Lake!

 We road the boat to a little island and then we floated!
 I kept bringing my Momma extra noodles until she showed me how to use them.

 I also floated with Pup and Katie. And helped Katie get her hat and sunglasses wet.

I also went high in the sky between Daddy and Uncle Eric! We had a blast!

On the Boat!

 I got to go out on the boat for the first time! I wasn't scared at all but I did wear a lifejacket like I was supposed to.

And Pop Pop even let me drive!! I did a great job.


We got to meet Meagan and she was very nice!

New Tent!

 This weekend we went to the lake! Along with my usual crowd, Pup, Katie, Uncle Eric and Meagan came with us!  Pup and Katie got me this supersweet tent!
 And Katie got in it with me.
 And then Uncle Eric got in!
It has a mesh top so it didn't get too hot.

Sunday, July 15, 2012

The Park

Before it started raining, again, we went to the park for a little while. I pretty much only wanted to swing.

Hope you guys had a great weekend!

Family Shot!

We took a picture before everyone left. But since I'm really important, I couldn't put my phone down for the photo opp. I'm sure you all understand.

Sunday Morning

 On Sunday morning Momma made pancakes for everyone. I ate alot.
 Aunt Ann and I read a book.
And then Aunt Becky and Nolan came over and we played a little. Nolan showed us that his little sister is in his belly.


 On Saturday we played at home for a little while and then the ladies had to go to brunch.
 But when they came back, I lounged with Oma while Aunt Ann knitted.

Coloring with Oma and Nolan

I also showed Nolan and Oma how to use the easel and color. Oma seems to know what she is doing!

Flipping with Aunt Debbie

Family on Friday!

 On Friday, we had a big night! My Oma, Aunt Ann, Aunt Debbie, Aunt Katie, Uncle Chris, Benjamin, Eleanor, Aunt Becky, Uncle Jared, and Nolan came for dinner.

We did alot of playing! We road some horseys and flipped!


 After our parade and breakfast, we went to a party! I played with their puppy and Daddy.
 And I got to color with real markers!
But some of it ended up on my face...

Pup and Katie??

 After our parade we found out Pup and Katie were driving through so we went to enjoy some breakfast and coffee with them.

I had fun seeing them and giving them some hugs.