Sunday, April 29, 2012

Sunday Lunch

Sunday for lunch we took Susan, Brendan and Uncle Eric to a burger joint. The burgers were delicious!

Sunday Morning

 Sunday morning I hung with Susan and Brendan.

 And showed Bella my rocks. I even helped her count them.

Then I played more with Daddy!

Saturday Night

After Halifax broke the door and I played and played, I took a relax with Daddy and my blankie.

Uncle Eric

 Uncle Eric tried to keep me from one of my new favorite toys, the dog door!

 Unfortunately, the door broke. And while we tried to fix it, it was a total loss. I'm blaming Halifax.

Playing with Daddy

 After throwing the ball, Daddy and I played a little more. And sat and hung out. I love Daddy.

Playing Football

 Later that night we went to play some football with Daddy and Uncle Eric!

Talking to Myself

Momma bought this mirror and I had an EXCELLENT time talking to myself about monsters and practicing my faces! I think I need a mirror to play with at home.

Shrimp Boil

Saturday afternoon we had a shrimp boil! I ate tons of shrimp, corn, potatoes, and bread. Yum!


After swimming at the lake, we had some snacks on the porch. Susan and Brendan brought the best sugared pecans!

Golf Cart

On Saturday we took the golf cart to the lake! I let Oma and Pop Pop drive.

Playing at the Lake

 On Friday we went to the lakehouse and I did a little playing in the house.

And played outside on Nolan's car!

Sunday, April 22, 2012


 After a nap, we went to play some soccer! Turns out I may be a natural!

I also got some sliding in. I even made Daddy go with me.

Sunday Breakfast

On Sunday we went to eat kolaches and a sprinkled donut! But I only want to eat the top of the donut.

Chris and Katie

 Chris and Katie came over for dinner on Saturday night. Momma did a terrible job getting pictures but we had lots of fun and I showed them most of my babies and some other cool toys. Katie is getting close to having her babies and I can't wait!


 After the zoo, Momma took me to Chipotle for the first time! It was amazing!

Petting Zoo

 After the playground, we went to pet some goats. I used to be really scared of goats but not anymore! I am such a big girl!
 The zoo also has a playground and I used and abused it until Momma said we had to leave.

 We also played on some drums with some bigger kids.

 And played in the huts in the African Exhibit.

The Zoo!

 On Saturday we were supposed to have a playdate at the zoo but my buddy got an ear infection. Momma and I went to the zoo anyway!  We saw lots of amazing animals including a longhorn!
 And I showed my Momma the sound an elephant makes!
 We had a great time.