Sunday, December 16, 2012


This is a picture of the final project we did for Piper's room. It used to be a brown shelf that Aunt Ann gave Momma YEARS ago!

Momma is probably going to have Piper early this week so I'm not sure when I will have time to do an update. Also, I believe we may move to a new site: It is not up and running yet but will be soon. Talk to everyone soon!


 After the Nativity scene, it snowed! Well, from a snow machine. But it was amazing!

And when it was all said and done, I wanted to hug Nolan and let him know how much I love him.

Nativity Scene

 After the Nativity scene, I took some photos with Uncle Jared and Nolan.
And Momma's giant belly!

Church Nativity

 Sunday night we went to a local church to see the Nativity scene and to make some crafts! Nolan and I did some leather work.
 Made some candles.
 Made a star ornament covered in glitter.
 I even had to paint it with glue.
And I painted a fish! With a little help :)

Magic Wands

Sunday it rained and rained. But I did get some exercising in by dancing with two magic wands. I am such a princess these days.

Nolan's Houst

 On Saturday night we went to dinner at Nolan's house. Of course Daddy hogged Morgan.

But after dinner, Nolan and I got to decorate our own cookies! Delicious!

Friday with Momma

 Before Momma went to work on Friday we took some pictures with her belly! It sure is getting big!


Can you find me in this picture? I'll give you a hint, I'm hiding with Daddy!

Poop Presents

 I have been working really hard on pooping on the toilet. Momma has really kicked up the incentives a notch though and these are the presents I got this weekend! First, I got a remote control Strawberry Shortcake Car! That was really big because it was the first one.
 Then I got a princess puzzle.
And finally some super sweet princess earrings! Matching necklace as well but Momma couldn't get a good picture of that. Count 'em up people, that is 3 times over the weekend!! And no pooping in my pants at all!

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Sunday Morning

Sunday morning we went to the park with Nolan and Morgan. But it was pretty wet so we pretty much stuck to the tennis courts.

Sorry we don't have any other pictures. Momma is 9 days away from having Piper and it is making her lazy LAZY! But I hope everyone had a great weekend!

Happy Hanukka!

 On Saturday night we got invited to my first ever Hanukka party! I got to hang out with some of my buddies: Maya and Barrett. Barrett is actually my boyfriend.  Just ask him, he will tell you.

There was lots of eating and drinking and we got to hear the blessing for the first night! It was really fun.

Christmas Tree!

On Saturday, I loaded up my family and we got a tree! There were a lot to choose from but I made sure we got a fat one.

Dinner with the Rogers and the Morgans!

 On Friday night we went to dinner with all of the Rogers and all of the Morgans! Look how cute Eleanor is! This was the first time she ever wore jeans and I think she was rocking them!
 Chris and Jared were in charge of Morgan and Ben. They did a pretty good job holding them.

 And Daddy got put in charge of me so Momma could sit and rest her fat ankles. She is getting so lazy!
 Daddy also helped watch Nolan, he sure is fast!
Becky and Katie also took a pretty good picture with the other ladies of the family. But Morgan was more interested in the playground.

Sunday, December 2, 2012

The Rushing Family

On Sunday night the Rushing family came over to bring Piper a present and I shared Noah's momma with him. He is a pretty nice littlel guy! Maybe I'll get to see more of him.

Birthday Party for Ruby

I went to a birthday party for my friend Ruby on Saturday. But she slept for most of the party so I spent most of my time with Maya

 Sometimes Maya and I are mean to each other at school but we were nice to each other at the party! And I had a great time! I ate 2 pieces of pizza (adult size).
And then ate yummy cake! But I shared some with Momma.

Party for Piper?

 At Momma's work they had a party for Piper! Piper got this super cute diaper cake.
 And onesies and socks rolled into cupcakes.
And I got a giant balloon! Which I carried around for days, and even had it sleep in my room and go to the potty with me.

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Sunday Movie

On Sunday, because I was so good, I got a treat and we went to the movies! I was pretty good, I could have been better but I could have been worse.

Pup and Katie

Before Pup and Katie left I took a cute picture with them to remember me by!


 Friday, we went to Aunt Becky's house to play and for dinner. Oma pushed me around the front yard while Nolan ran amuck.

 Daddy hogged Morgan.

 Nolan and I helped cook dinner, and ate oranges.
 Nolan lounged with Daddy, and ate oranges.
 I helped Oma look after Morgan in her swing.
 And I played with Pop Pop!

 I even shared my Pop Pop with Nolan!
 Nolan found a new place to sit.
 And he even tried out the potty! I tried to give him some potty advice.
 I showed Pop Pop how Nolan got a boo boo on his "forkhead"
And I helped him share a book!