Sunday, July 25, 2010

I'm Standing!!

I've been standing up these days and while it is alot of work, it's worth it! It really gives everything a new perspective.

New Toys!

This weekend I got a new playyard, which is sweet and came with some fun vegetable toys!

And my parents, who are super fancy, got me this pool for the backyard since it is so dang hot!

The Zoo!!

This weekend I went to the zoo! But it was very hot, so my favorite thing was the fan with mister! But I also enjoyed the lions, especially when they came up close to us.
I also drank out of a water fountain with Daddy's help. It was shaped like a lion!
And then we hit up the petting zoo. These goats were pretty amazing, but lazy. It could have been the heat.

Hanging with Friends

This weekend I also got to hang out with lots of people! Like Aunt Becky and Uncle Jared.

And Kirsten and Brian! Brian even showed me his cool hat. It wasn't the best thing I have ever smelled but I didn't think it was as bad as Kirsten warned me it would be.


This weekend my mom arranged some stuff and she changed my swing into this sweet rocker! I'm still figuring how to rock without being super jerky, but so far its pretty great!

Sunday, July 18, 2010

This weekend

This weekend my friend Susan came to visit and we had a most excellent time!
I even got to try this stuff that is like ice cream but healthier. You know how I'm always thinking about my figure now that it is swimsuit season, I thought it was best to be healthy. It was terrific!


But after my dinner of avocado and cheese didn't end in a similar yummy treat, I got very upset. Momma said that throwing a fit is not very becoming of a young lady but a girl has to do what a girl has to do!

Sunday Morning

On Sunday morning I lounged with Susan at the house and then we went to our favorite breakfast spot with Aunt Becky!

I even got to try something new, scrambled eggs! Delicious!

The end of the weekend

On Sunday, after all our guests left, I hung out in my personal rocking chair with a doll that my Oma made for my Momma. That must have been a long time ago, huh?
Then I ate some cottage cheese, and though it wasn't my bath night, I got one anyway...

Then I worked on my standing up. I'm getting pretty good at it! But it makes my Momma very nervous.

And finally I hung out with my talking/singing puppy that I love.
Hope your weekend was as good as mine was!

Thursday, July 15, 2010

More Food!

Today I tried mashed potatoes for the first time and they were amazing! Finger foods are really opening up my world.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Hanging Out with the Family

While at the reunion I met my Great Great Aunt Odie! I think we look pretty good together and she looks like she knows what to do with babies, huh?

On a Walk!

I have to get all dolled up for a walk, including wearing my super cool sunglasses!

Eating Breakfast with the Family

While we were at the family reunion we had breakfast every morning with my Grandpa and Oma. I don't get to eat anything fun yet!

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Helping Daddy

I just figured out that while Daddy is grilling outside, I can provide some moral support from inside by looking through the window and knocking at him. It's good to help out when you can.

Family Reunion!

This weekend I went on my second ever flight to go to my first ever family reunion! I liked looking at the planes from the airport window and looking at the clouds from the plane.
My Mom did a terrible job taking pictures at the reunion but hopefully Oma got some good shots for us. I had a great time and spent lots of time with lots of family. I think I was a hit!

Route 66

Here we are at the famous Route 66! We even got conned into making a long walk to a store with Oma and Grandpa, but I made them pull me back to the hotel, they pulled me backwards so the face wasn't in my face. They are always thinking about what is best for me!

Tea Party!

At the reunion we had a fancy tea party, my first, and we all wore these crazy hats, drank tea and ate lots of food! I think we might start having these at my house...

Back to the Airport!

After our most excellent family reunion we headed back to the airport with my Aunt Ann and went back home. I love traveling!

Monday, July 5, 2010

Partying with Pup and Katie!

This weekend my Pup and Katie came to visit before they moved away. We had a great time! Pup let me ride on his shoulders after a fierce game of Guesstures.
Then we went to breakfast and I said goodbye. I'm going to miss them but I'm glad we had a good weekend.


After my big weekend I had to take a couple of naps, one with my Daddy and one while I was out shopping with my Momma and Aunt Becky.

Are these toys?

I found new stuff to play with, but Momma says they are not toys. What do you guys think, are magazines and bracelets toys?

More Beans?

When will my parents learn that I'm too young to not make a mess when eating beans?!


I love to play with my Daddy and Halifax! But Daddy is teaching me bad habits like to talk on the phone, wear no shirt, and to play under the coffee table. The coffee table usually ends in a head but and tears.