Sunday, September 25, 2011

Princess Tent!

I even convinced Daddy and Uncle Eric to sit in my Princess Tent with me! But it was a tight squeeze.

New Toys!

Sunday I played with lots of my new stuff! A baby with a bottle, though I was more interested in the bottle than the baby was.

s Some stuffed toys, some of which needed a stern talking to.

A new stroller and some new dress up shoes!!

Final Shots with the Fam

Before everyone left to their own houses, I got some shots. But first I threw a fit, so I have red eyes in some of the eyes in some of the photos.

We celebrated me some more with some coloring and pancakes! Pup and Katie were very impressed with my skills.

Happy Birthday to Me!

I also got a supersweet ATV! But it still makes me a little nervous. I think I need more practice.


I also found out that sometimes you can write on the floor outside! Daddy showed me how so it must be okay.

Sunday Morning

I had to go to bed while the party was still going but it must have gotten crazy because my car was in a crash!! Katie helped me pick it up and everything was fine.

Pack 'N Play

While I got lots of great gifts, the first favorite gift was a pack 'n play for my babies! It is light weight so I can move it around. Even in the backyard!

Opening Presents!

Luckily, I had some help opening presents! I think everyone got in on the action! And I sure got some great stuff!


I also got to eat a cupcake! we ate them outside so it didn't get too out of control in the house.

But unfortunately, every cupcake must end...


Saturday Night I had a birthday party! My Mom tried to get some shots and she did better than last year but not great. Check out some of the highlights!

Party Outfit and Balloons!

After my meltdown, and a nap, I put on my party outfit and came out to a room full of balloons! What a deal!

Starbucks Meltdown

We also went to Starbucks and I had a total meltdown! These are some pictures of the progression... Don't worry, I didn't hit my head, my parents are used to this tactic.

More eating.

Before my little party, we went to eat and show off my chopstick skills. I was sure to take me new purse! Thanks, Karen! At the restaurant, I showed Uncle Eric all the fish.

And I gave Daddy some kisses. He needs to feel appreciated sometimes.

Saturday Morning

Saturday morning, I woke up and Uncle Eric, Pup and Katie were in town! We had a lovely breakfast, after a small incident in the parking lot.

Friday Night

On Friday Night I had dinner with Nolan. I showed him a new hair style and how to smell flowers. Turns out they were fake...

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

At the airport I got to try some Tim Horton's. It was pretty good but I'm not sure if its worth all the fuss.